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Metrics to Run a CSA Effectively (for insiders)

By using transparent data collected by the platform. We could come up with some essential metrics to make sure we are running platform in the right direction.

For example, the platform can measure the distance foods need to travel from farm to table. CSA promoting localization so we expect Avergage Farm-to-Table Distance (AFTD) should be smaller if we run the platform well.

But later, when more and more consumers joined, the AFTD increasing. It’s time to look deep in to the data and do customer surveys to find out WHY.

The reason behind should be local consumers have other choices or (far away) city consumers need the foods the most …

AFTD is just one example, I would like to find effecient ways to define and estimate below metrics that I assumed they are essential to maintain a healthy CSA.

Consumer-Producer Bonding

Consumer-Producer Relationship Quality (CPRQ) Metric

[TODO] Think/find a way to estimate CPRQ

Consumer-Producer Collaboration Effort (CPCE) Metric

[TODO] Think/find a way to estimate CPCE

Consumer-Producer Risk & Reward Sharing Benefit (RRSB) Metric

Could be consumer satification + the variety of products producers offered.

[TODO] Think/find a way to estimate CPRSB


Avergage Farm-to-Table Distance (AFTD) Metric

Explained above

[TODO] Think/find more Localization Metrics

Natural Reservation Effort

Number of plant types and their varieties
Varierty of plan canopies

Tài liệu tiếng Việt: Tán_(sinh_thái)

Metrics to Evaluate CSA Impact (for outsiders)

Mostly be used to outsiders to consider if CSA is good enough for them. And hopfully they will recognized the need of CSA & natural-farming movement and reward it accordingly.

Social Impact

[TODO] Think/find Social Impact Metrics

Environmental Impact

[TODO] Think/find Environmental Impact Metrics

It can be a combination of total carbon reduction and plus others

Total Carbon Reduction (TCR) Metric

[TODO] Think/find a way to estimate TCR